Posts tagged ‘2012’

Catholic warning about racism to Republican candidates

For the right, protecting life is solely about abortion. There’s no interest in providing pre-natal care or medical care. And the moment the birth is announced, they don’t give a shit about the kid – especially if it isn’t white.  Not only do they spend a large percentage of time railing about cutting back on assisting the poor (another real “WWJD” leadership moment from the Christian Republicans), but these cuts are always associated with black people on welfare.  Yet the race who who receives the largest percentage of  food stamps is white.  And if it’s not black, it’s about how hispanics are destroying the economy because they get so many food stamps.  The “other immigrant status” of recipients accounts for 3% of total distribution.  3% isn’t changing the world.  It would be better if it were 2% or 1%, sure. But 3% is hardly bringing America too it’s knees nor is it ruining the entire system – and it’s certainly not a widespread problem.

Catholics Warn Gingrich, Santorum On Race Baiting

The signers of the open letter, which was released Friday (Jan. 20), cited Gingrich’s repeated criticisms of Barack Obama as a “food stamp president” who encourages government dependency for the poor, especially for African-Americans.

They also criticized Santorum’s statement that he does not want “to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money.” 

“Some presidential candidates now courting ‘values voters’ seem to have forgotten that defending human life and dignity does not stop with protecting the unborn,” the authors write.

“We remind Mr. Gingrich and Mr. Santorum that Catholic bishops describe racism as an ‘intrinsic evil’ and consistently defend vital government programs such as food stamps and unemployment benefits that help struggling Americans.”

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, [over] one-third of food-stamp recipients are white, while 22 percent are African-American and 16 percent Hispanic. Some 41 percent of all recipients live in households where family members are employed. Surveys show that strong majorities of Americans say they do not want food stamp programs cut.


Food Stamp Participants:

Catholics issue warning on racism:

January 21, 2012 at 2:52 pm 1 comment

Perry’s Campaign Ad – Most Unpopular on YouTube; Jesus Responds

Oh stop…it’s too funny.  These “leading candidates for the Republican nomination” are just one hysterical idiot after another.  I can’t believe this moron has been in charge of Texas for the past 12 years.  Can’t….stop…laughing…

On the less-funny front: People are really supporting these people.

Back to the enjoyment:

Jesus Responds to Rick Perry’s “Strong” Ad

Jesus Christ of Nazareth would like to take this opportunity to refute Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry’s most recent TV ad.

Rick Perry “Strong” Ad Is Most Unpopular YouTube Video

Rick Perry‘s confusing, low-fi, and anti-gay campaign ad became an overnight sensation, spawning dozens of parodies and memes. The video itself has rocketed past Rebecca Black‘s “Friday” as the most disliked video on YouTube, with over 600,000 dislikes to Black’s 260,000.

December 12, 2011 at 2:18 am Leave a comment

Herman Cain….Stupid

What an…..ID  DEEE  YUTT.  Libya????  REALLY??  Friggin’ LIBYA is a big stumbling block for you??  My God, even Sarah Palin can (probably) answer a question about Libya!!!  You can hardly find a news outlet that has not covered Libya in the past few weeks.  It’s literally….EVERYWHERE.

How can you possibly be both a presidential candidate AND be unprepared to talk about Libya???

How can you possibly have to clarify “which Libya” we’re talking about??  What the hell?  Herman Cain….what an idiot.  That is approaching the idiocy of Palin not being able to answer where she reads about current events (reading stuff….hell, reading words and such is for fancy elitist Democrats).

Unlike some of the accusations, this dumbfulness (already TM this word) I can see with my own eyes.  Watch him looking at the ceiling (no, Jesus ain’t gonna help you run your damn head or help you make up crap) and watch him jumping around in his chair.


I thought for sure this was the end of Rick Perry.  But he knew – it wasn’t the end.  His handlers looked around at the other evolution-denying idiots he’s running with and (accurately) said “these other GOP candidates are just as stupid as this one. We’re fine”.  And they’re RIGHT.  This kind of shit would be a killer for any Democrat, because the bar is MUCH higher.  Hell Howard Dean was killed by the Dems for far (far) less.  It’s nutso.

Here’s what I thought was the end of Rick.  How can a serious presidential candidate say he would get rid of the department of EDUCATION.  It’s….I’m (almost) speechless:

If not maybe this one. If you show this to someone who doesn’t know who Rick Perry is, that person will bet 10:1 that this person is totally hammered.

November 15, 2011 at 3:00 am Leave a comment

Candidate said…what??

“How you beat Obama? Beat him with a Cain!

There is no way a presidential candidate said this.

November 11, 2011 at 4:02 am Leave a comment

Perry’s Crazy Speech

This is just a golden delivery by Perry.  It’s a complete ender, the likes of which we haven’t seen since Howard Dean’s scream.

Thanks to Gordon for posting:


November 1, 2011 at 3:39 am Leave a comment

When this group calls you hypocritical, you’re in trouble

If a 400-pound person says “Dang, you eat a lot of food”, then you really eat a lot of food.
If Darth Vader says you’re really a control freak, then you are really a…you get the idea.

So if Republicans are calling you an inconsistent flip-flopper…well, there’s not much doubt – you are really a flip-floppin’ hypocrite.  And if they’re calling you these things even though you are the GOP front-runner…ouch.  And throw in a reference to you being like Dukakis?  Wow!

Conservative mainstay George Will isn’t exactly jumping on the Mitt Romney bandwagon.

Writing in Sunday’s Washington Post, he bashes the GOP contender for failing to take consistent positions on many key issues. “A straddle is not a political philosophy; it is what you do when you do not have one,” Will writes.

Will calls Romney’s subtly shifting positions on ethanol subsidies, for example, “a policy pretzel.”

He also takes aim at Romney’s failure to express a clear opinion last week about an Ohio ballot initiative that would affect collective bargaining rights in the state.

Romney, Will continues, “is a recidivist reviser of his principles who is not only becoming less electable; he might damage GOP chances of capturing the Senate…Republicans may have found their Michael Dukakis.”

This is hardly the first time Mitt Romney has been accused of inconsistency, of course. His changing positions on healthcareimmigrationclimate change, and more have made for frequent charges of hypocrisy from his GOP rivals, not to mention liberal critics like Jon Stewart.|main5|dl1|sec3_lnk1|108607


Stewart shows clips of a couple of Romney flip-flops, including the Ohio debacle:—scared-mittless

But then Steward proceeds to say why Romney can do this in a look at the competition:—scared-mittless


October 30, 2011 at 3:04 pm Leave a comment

Remember When…

September 28, 2011 at 10:12 pm 1 comment

Five Scriptures you won’t hear…

Great article written by Jim Rigby:

Five Scriptures You Won’t Hear at Rick Perry’s Prayer Event

Scripture #1:

“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray in public places to be seen by others… But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your heavenly parent, who is unseen.” (Matt. 6:5-6)

While Jesus never addressed the issues most important to some of this event’s co-sponsors, such as homosexuality and abortion, he did speak out against public displays of religion. Whatever Jesus meant by the word “prayer,” it seems to have been about the quiet and personal. The disciples had to ask Jesus how to pray, which is a pretty good indication that he wasn’t praying a lot publicly.  What he did say about prayer carried a warning label: “Don’t rub it in other people’s faces.


August 7, 2011 at 8:57 pm Leave a comment

Rick Perry’s extremist views

By giving voice to extremist religious views at his prayer rally, Perry is giving his explicit support of these beliefs.

PROFILE: The Outlandish Beliefs Of Rick Perry’s Prayer Rally Endorsers

A quick look at the event’s endorsement list features a who’s-who of extreme right-wing religious figures [including leaders of ‘Christian’ militant groups (like ‘SWAT’ – because when you think Christianity, you think militia)]. They warn of dire consequences for our nation: birds dying out because gays can serve in the military, hurricanes ravaging “sinful cities,” even Oprah Winfrey being a sign of the Apocalypse. Yet despite their outlandish beliefs and rhetoric, Perry features their support prominently on the event’s website.

ThinkProgress has compiled the top outlandish beliefs from pastors associated with Perry’s prayer rally:

– Oprah is a sign of the Apocalypse: In his channel on GOD TV, Mike Bicklecalled Oprah a “forerunner to the harlot movement.” Bickle also warned that traditional “marriage will be…defiled” as the “gay marriage agenda, which is rooted in the depths of Hell,” progresses.

– Blackbirds are dying because of gay soldiers: Dr. Cindy Jacobs recorded avideo declaring a connection between the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and the sudden death of blackbirds in Beebee, Arkansas as a divine punishment. She also called “girl-on-girl kissing” a “plague on society” and asked divine forgiveness for the violation of a woman’s “natural use.”

– The Statue of Liberty is a “demonic idol”: In various sermons, John Benefiel called the Statue of Liberty a “demonic idol.” He also expressed a belief that homosexuality is a plot contrived by the Illuminati “to limit the world population.”

– Hurricane Katrina was divine retribution for the city’s “sin”: John Hagee said residents of New Orleans were at fault for Hurricane Katrina: “I believe that New Orleans had a level of sin that was offensive to God and they were recipients of the judgment of God for that.” Hagee has also insinuated that “the Holocaust…was the fault of Jews themselves” and Hitler acted as a “hunter” corralling the Jews into Israel.

– Gay rights movement from the “pit of hell”: Dwight McKissic denouncedcomparisons between the civil rights movement and the gay rights movement because the latter is a “satanic anointment…inspired by the anti-Christ” that comes from the “pit of hell.” McKissic also said that “God uses natural disasters to punish evil,” pointing to Hurricane Katrina because “New Orleans flaunts sin.”

– Jesus actually opposed the minimum wage: Influential pastor David Barton has made a name for himself by distorting Biblical text to support his claim that Jesus opposed the minimum wage and the capital gains tax. Barton has also argued that public school students are getting “homosexual indoctrination.”

– Children of gay parents are like orphans of 9/11: During this year’s Faith and Freedom conference, ThinkProgress reported on Jim Garlow’s comparison of orphans of the September 11th attacks to children raised in same-sex households. Garlow is also known for his controversial allegation that African Americans have saved the country from the “enslavement of gay marriage.”

– Director of a Christian para-military group: Jay Swallow is the Director of SWAT, a “Christian Military Training Camp” organized “for the purpose of dealing with the occult and territorial enemy strong holds in America.” Participants of the training session sign a liability waiver before becoming “warriors” against “occult and territorial enemy strongholds in America.” Participants are also trained “how to pray for casinos on Native American land.”

– African Americans are “cursed” by homosexuals: Willie Wooten published abook about the curse of the African American people. He wrote that their tolerance of “immorality” in the Democratic Party begets curses of “adultery, incest, children from incestuous union, children born out-of-wedlock, destroyed virginity, bestiality, homosexuality, lesbianism.”

– Aubrey Murray

‘Gee, Thanks, But I Have To Wash My Hair’: Governors Skip Perry Prayer Rally

Texas Gov. Rick Perry had big plans for his exclusionary Christian prayer rally this Saturday (August 6th). He was so proud of the event that he invited all 49 other governors to attend.

The RSVPs to “The Response” have been trickling in, and it doesn’t look good. So far, the number of governors who plan to attend the event at Houston’s Reliant Stadium in person stands at exactly zero, notes theAmerican Independent.

The American Family Association (AFA), one of the groups organizing the event, is vociferously anti-gay. The AFA has been designated a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

August 4, 2011 at 5:24 pm Leave a comment

Mystery $1 Million to Mittens

Free Speech is entities who have the capability of speech….people.   Why don’t we just go ahead and sell the government agencies to businesses directly – that’s about what we are already doing.   Mittens Romney is the latest to receive massive cash contributions.  We all know that business does not have the best interest of citizens at its heart.  It never has, never will.

Firm gives $1 million to pro-Romney group, then dissolves

Records offer no clues who was behind mystery company that donated to ‘super PAC’

A mystery company that pumped $1 million into a political committee backing Mitt Romney has been dissolved just months after it was formed, leaving few clues as to who was behind one of the biggest contributions yet of the 2012 presidential campaign.

August 4, 2011 at 4:48 pm Leave a comment