Archive for September, 2013

Kenya vs Syria

40 killed and 150 injured in an attack by Islamist terrorists on a mall in Kenya.  Is there any talk about the US invading Kenya?  Nope – get some oil, Kenya.

And if we are (contemplating) invading Syria as part of some moral “we must protect humanity” action, then I’d like to see the plans to invade the dozen or so African countries where citizens live in fear, just like Syria.

There are no such plans, are there Mr. Obama?  So quit selling ‘humanitarian’.

Surely you’re not going to sell us “imminent threat”.

This is a job for NATO and NATO alone.  We can commit our troops to NATO, but we do not need to spend hundreds of millions on Syrian attacks.

To everyone on the planet: The further you keep your religion from your politics, the safer you are.  Ask the Kenyans, the Syrians, the Pakis, Afghans, the Iraqis. Then ask the British, the Norwegians, Swedish, the Dutch, the Canadians, the Americans.

Freedom IS separation of Church and State.

September 22, 2013 at 3:19 am 1 comment